My days, here in the United States are usually similar when I have classes. I use to wake up (always have difficulties to do so!), then I go to classes or to work depending on the day of the week. Usually on Tuesdays and Wednesday I use to have lunch at the campus with my friends. When I don't have classes and that I'm not a work (I work part time at the campus) I do many different things. One of the most important is homeworks since I'm enrolled in 15 units I always have homeworks to do or tests to prepare. I also use my computer every single day, to check my email, go on facebook, skype... through the internet I can easily communicate with my friends and my family that are in France. I use to give them apointment on skype, to talk with them, it's almost like having a coffee with them because I'm able to see them which is amazing!

Moreover, I really enjoy to read, so I try to read every day, if it's not a novel I try to read the news which is also required for my political science class.

However, when I'm too tired to do my homeworks or tiread I really like to watch the tv serie Dexter, about a serial killer, it's my favorite!
Also when I'm home I use to listen to music, I think it's very rare for me to spend a day without listenong to music, for instance I'm right know writing this journal while listening to music!

And I also enjoy to spend time with my friends, especially on week ends, we like to hang out, to go to restaurants, to make dinner at one of our places, to go to the movie theater, shopping and many more. They are like family to me!
Finally, one of the most important thing to me that I do only for my pleasure is to take pictures, I bought myself a great camera and every time I go somewhere I bring it with me and take pictures of all the amazing things that I see in San Francisco!
My days also look the same since i am taking 16 units this semester. I have class every day and assignment. I am busy practicing dancing, reading and writing papers. its never ends. when i am tired and can't do work any more, I like to watch Law and Order, which is my favorite show, even though its not good as it used to be.