Sunday, October 28, 2012

From Dependent To Independent.

    This picture is one of the most value pictures i own.  I keep it on my wardrobe, and whenever i see it, it motivates and inspires me to be a better person tomorrow.  This kindly woman and this brave man in the photo are my parents, who are still alive.  My mother is sixty-two, and my father is sixty-one years old, well and still work hard, and living happily together in the house they both built in San Marcos, Guatemala in 1973.  
   You might ask yourself where and when was this photo taken?  Well this photo was taken by me on February 20th, 2006, in front of the house that my parents built long time ago.  I took this photo in order to have it as a one of my memories, and to take it with me wherever in the world i would go because at that time i became as an independent person  after being dependent on them for eighteen years.  In the photo both my parents are very sad which is strange since they are happy people.  The reason that they were sad was that a week before i had told them that it was time for me to take care of myself, and that i had decided to leave our village to go to explore the rest of the world and to see what's out there for me.  As you can see my mom was about to cry and my dad was like come on son you don't need to leave because they knew that another one of their eight children was about to face many challenges on his own, and that they care about me.  At first i didn't want to leave my parents because i had their love, i had a place to live, and i had food, nevertheless i had that dream since i was a kid to travel, and to live in a different country. 
   I have an enormous affection about this photo.  Every time i see it, i think of how lucky i am to be a son of these two unstoppable working human being, and how much sacrifice my parents did to rise and educate eight children, so tomorrow i and my siblings would have a better life.  


  1. Esteban, It is a nice picture and I'm glad that you took this photograph. There are no special people in the world then our parents. I wish I have a picture of my parents together with me.

  2. Esteban, Its so nice to see you that you kept the photos from your parents for that long and I've got to admit it to myself that you're brave enough to handle your life and face all the trials without your parents because you used to be dependent from them but now I am glad to know that you've been living here independently and fulfilling your dreams. I know that it's difficult to live without our loved once, but sometimes we just need to sacrifice and leave to seek for good opportunities in order to give our family a good life. And personally, i'd say that you inherited being industrious from your parents that's why you deserve every blessings you're getting right now.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this photo. I love to see your parents - you look like them both. I almost felt like crying myself when I read why they look so sad in the photo. It's hard to let your children go, but I am positive that they are very, very proud of you!
